Nonprofit Videogame Development Group
Our 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Organization
Below you can see a our organization’s legal documents. These documents are made available to the public in Adobe Reader PDF Format. The documents were created internally using Microsoft Word in Office Open XML Format or by completing a PDF form.
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This section contains various documents we have filled with the State of Iowa and the Internal Revenue Service. We are required to make this information freely available to the public and we believe the easiest way to make this information accessible is by publishing it on our website.
This section contains various documents we are required to disclose by the Internal Revenue Service. We believe the easiest way to make this information accessible is by publishing it on our website.
Our minutes contain an internal meeting number and the date. The minutes record the members present and absent from the meeting and whether there was a quorum. Following, we record the meetings proceedings in brief, typically referencing resolutions or other such matters. The minutes then contain short statements prepared by the contributing members. The secretaries’ assessments of the meeting are included. The minutes are reviewed by the contributing members for accuracy and signed by the secretary of the board.
We believe less is more. Our procedures for recording minutes are simple in nature. We think this method of minute taking is the best means to record our proceedings without consuming too many administrative resources.
Our resolutions are brief. When our organization executes a governing action we draft a resolution that places our actions in record. The resolutions are organized by a reference number. The resolutions state the motions approved by the board in both long and condensed form. New resolutions are reviewed for accuracy and signed by the secretary of the board.
Our organization is governed by a series of policies. We are bound by our bylaws to follow these policies in our daily affairs and are held liable to the mandates presented in them.
New policies may be submitted by anyone interested in the project for review. The board will look at the suggested policy and discuss it at the next scheduled board meeting. In order for the policy to be implemented, the board of directors must have a two thirds majority vote in favor of the new policy. Existing policies may be amended or removed by a three fourths majority vote. A newly submitted policy suggestion will be passed onto current board members as soon as possible.
It is our goal to provide our organization with policies that support and promote a healthy organization. If there are any questionable practices performed by our organization, we ask that you inform us of your concerns. We will deal with them promptly.